[1] 10
Gigabit Ethernet, Application Requirements and Proposed Layer Architecture,
Mike Salzman, Lucent Technologies
[2] 10
Gigabit Ethernet, Greg Collings, director, Dell Oro Group
Distributed Queue Dual Bus Over SMDS, Mastin Rosner, available at the url: http://www.ece.wpi.edu/courses/ee535/hwk4cd97/mrosner/mrosner.html
Switched Multimegabit Data Service{SMDS), available at www.cisco.com
Transparent LAN Service: The simplest Form of Virtual Private Network, http://www.techguide.com
Introduction to Gigabit Ethernet, www.cisco.com
Application Note: Metropolitan Area Networks, www.foundrynet.com
[8] The New
Age MAN-The Architectures and Services, Ashton, Metzler & Associates,
September 2001.
[9] Gigabit
Ethernet, by William Stallings, from The Internet Protocol Journal
Gigbabit Ethernet, accelerating the need for speed. www.gea.org
Not Just for LANS anymore. www.burtongroup.com/promo/articles/bcr.7.2000.html
[12] E1/T1
in the Gigabit MAN. www.rad.com
[13]DWDM in
metropolitan area networks, www.cisco.com