XenoTec (A)
XenoTec is current market leader ($75 million in 1996, up 30% from 1993
5 firms dominate the industry. XenoTec, one with $57 million, three between $30 & $50
Competition is based on price, product quality, and personal relationship with customer (may be changing)
XenoTec CSFs
Control Mfg. Costs
Exploit Market Potential of Existing Products
Expand R & D for new product development
Sales staff 46 located in 6 regions in US and Canada. Average age-49, not well educated, paid on commission, only 3 or 4 used PCs which they bought themselves.
Customers: Historically, anesthesiologists, now shifting to pharmacists with shift to health care cost control
Executive Mgmt: Wanninger is wishy-washy. Lets both Mkt have its way and pacifies IT by letting them do what they want. Not a strong project supporter. Had concerns about relationship between PSP and firms strategy.
Line Mgmt: Duffy a strong champion. Anderson a sponsor and willing to help with $$.
IT: Very technology focused. Migration to RS/6000, NCs, Oracle. Johnson quite negative and does not want to be involved
What about: Firm founders, Other business functions, et. al. ??
Problem in Sales: Demonstrating true cost of products and their effectiveness
Major conversion project underway
Product tracking system
Data warehouse (for corporate analysts)
Total Cost for PSS would be $1 million over 2 yrs
Benefits listed by unquantified
Generally increase sales by $1.5 million/yr by 1999
What Are Key Project Risks?
Major change in way of operating, low level of PC skill and education on part of sales staff
Getting applications produced. Not clear who does this, not IT
Looks good in function (Mkt), but what about from Wanninger?
Potential Assassins:
IT in particular, but Wanninger and other functions could easily jump ship
There are several others, what might they be? (See XenoTec (B))