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Αναφορές από τρίτους (που έπεσαν στην αντίληψή μου μέχρι 10-10-2010) Αναφορές στο άρθρο: “Students' thoughts about the importance and costs of their mobile devices' features and services”, 2009.TOP 25 Hotest Papers in ‘Telematics & Informatics’, January 2008 to present. Samanta, S.K., Woods, J. & Ghanbari, M. (2010). A business model for mobile commerce applications using multimedia messaging service, International Journal of Business Information Systems, Vol. 5, No. 4, pp. 418-439. Lan, Y.-F. & Sie, Y.-S. (2010). Using RSS to support mobile learning based on media richness theory, Computers & Education, Vol. 55, No. 2, pp. 723-732. Teng, W., Lu, H.-P. & Yu, H. (2009). Exploring the mass adoption of third-generation (3G) mobile phones in Taiwan, Telecommunications Policy, Vol. 33, No. 10-11, pp. 688-641. Lishan, X. (2009). A female-focused design strategy for developing a self-care information system, Ph.D. dissertation, National University of Singapore. Heleniak, A. (2009). Tag-based mobile interface for music interaction. M.Sc. dissertation, Technical University of Denmark. H. Uzunboylu, N. Cavus & E. Ercug (2009). Using mobile learning to increase environmental awareness. Computers & Education, Vol. 52, No. 2, pp. 381-389. Teng, W., Lu, H.-P., Yu, H. (2009). Exploring the mass adoption of third-generation (3G) mobile phones in Taiwan. Telecommunications Policy, Vol. 33, No 10-11, pp. 628 – 641. Αναφορές στο άρθρο “A multi-criteria game theory and real options model for irreversible ICT investment decisions”, 2009. TOP 25 Hotest Papers in ‘Telecommunications Policy’, October 2009 to present. Αναφορές στο άρθρο: “A compound real option and AHP methodology for evaluating ICT business alternatives”, 2009. TOP 25 Hotest Papers in ‘Telematics & Informatics’, April to September 2009. Keršytė, A. (2010). Strateginių investicinių projektų vertinimas: daugiakriterijinis požiūris (Strategic investment decisions’ appraisal: multi-attribute approach), Ekonomika ir Vadyba, Vol. 15, pp. 947-953. Lou Yan, Zhang Hong, Huang Lucheng (2010). Review on Methods of New Technology Valuation. ICEE Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on E-Business and E-Government, pp. 1932-1935. Alias, M. A., Hashim, M., Zaiton, S. and Samsudin, S. (2008) Multi criteria decision making and its applications: A literature review. Jurnal Teknologi Maklumat, ISSN 0128-3790, Vol. 20, No. 2, pp. 129-152. Αναφορές στο άρθρο: "Evaluating mobile banking portals", 2009 Davis, R. (2010). Conceptualising fun in mobile commerce environments, International Journal of Mobile Communications, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp.21–40. Tan, K. S., Chong, S. C., Loh, P. L. & Lin, B. (2010). An evaluation of e-banking and m-banking adoption factors and preference in Malaysia: A case study, International Journal on Mobile Communications, Vol. 8, No. 5, pp. 507-527. Αναφορές στο άρθρο: "A holistic evaluation of Greek municipalities’ websites”, 2009 Yücel, G. and Özok, A.F. (2010). Quantifying ergonomic quality of governmental websites, Electronic Government, Vol. 7, No. 3, pp.233–251. Αναφορές στο άρθρο: "Evaluating European ministries' websites”, 2009 Mebrate, T. W. (2010). A framework for evaluating Academic Website’s quality- From students’ perspective, M.Sc. dissertation, Delft University of Technology. Αναφορές στο άρθρο: "The use of information systems in the Greek public financial services: the case of TAXIS”, 2009. Foteinou, G. (2010). E-exclusion and the gender digital divide, ACM SIGCAS Computers and Society, Vol. 40, No. 3, pp. 50-61. Liu, Y., Xu, X. & Ma, R. (2010). Service science knowledge system bottom-up constructed closely with service industry, Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Service Sciences, pp. 272-276, IEEE Computer Soc. A;-Azi. A., Al-Salti, Z. & Al-Karaghouli, W. (2010). The successful implementation of e-government transformation: A case study in Oman, European, Mediterranean & Middle Eastern Conference on Information Systems 2010 (EMCIS2010), April 12-13 2010, Abu Dhabi, UAE. Hu, P. J.-H., Chen, H., Hu, H., Larson, C. & Butierez, C. (in press). Law enforcement officers’ acceptance of advanced e-government technology: A survey study of COPLINK Mobile, Electronic Commerce Research and Applications. Αναφορές στο άρθρο: “ A decision analysis framework for prioritizing a portfolio of ICT infrastructure projects”, 2008. Keršytė, A. (2010). Strateginių investicinių projektų vertinimas: daugiakriterijinis požiūris (Strategic investment decisions’ appraisal: multi-attribute approach), Ekonomika ir Vadyba, Vol. 15, pp. 947-953. Alencar, L. H. & de Almeida, A. T. (2010). A model for selecting project team members using multicriteria group decision making, Pesquisa Operacional, Vol. 30, No. 1, pp. 221-236. Satumtira, G. & Dueñas-Osorio, L. (2010). synthesis of modeling and simulation methods on critical infrastructure interdependencies research. In Gopalakrishnan, K. & Peeta, S. (Eds.), Sustainable and Resilient Critical Infrastructure Systems, Springer. Sipahi, S. & Timor, M. (2010). The analytic hierarchy process and analytic network process: An overview of applications, Management Decision, Vol. 48, No. 5, pp. 775-808. Αναφορές στο άρθρο: “Airlines websites evaluation around the world”, 2008. Jati, Handaru (2009) Performance evaluation on quality of Asian airlines websites – An AHP approach. In: The Fourth International Conference on E-commerce with Focus on Developing Countries (ECDC’09), November , Kuala Lumpur Malaysia. Αναφορές στο άρθρο: “MANET-based outdoor collaborative learning”, 2008. García1, O., Tapia, D.I., Rodríguez, S. & Corchado, J.M. (2010). Ambient intelligence application scenario for collaborative e-learning. In: N. García-Pedrajas et al. (Eds.): IEA/AIE 2010, Part I, LNAI 6096, pp. 407–416. Αναφορές στο άρθρο: “Software agent technology: An overview”, 2008 L. Iribarne, R. Ayala and J. A. Torres (2009). A DPS-based system modelling method for 3D-structures simulation in manufacturing processes, Simulation Modelling and Theory, Vol. 17, No. 5, pp. 935-954. Αναφορές στο άρθρο: “A real options approach for prioritizing ICT business alternatives: A case study from broadband technology business field”, 2008 S. H. Martzoukos (2009), Real R&D options and optimal activation of two-dimensional random controls, Journal of Operational Research Society, Vol. 60, No. 6, pp. 843-856. Irani, Z., Dwivedi, Y. K., & Williams, M. D. (2009). Understanding consumer adoption of broadband: An extension of the technology acceptance model. Journal of the Operational Research Society, Vol. 60, No. 10, pp. 1322-1334. Αναφορές στο άρθρο: “Requirements of mobile learning applications”, 2008 García1, O., Tapia, D.I., Rodríguez, S. & Corchado, J.M. (2010). Ambient intelligence application scenario for collaborative e-learning. In: N. García-Pedrajas et al. (Eds.): IEA/AIE 2010, Part I, LNAI 6096, pp. 407–416. Αναφορές στο άρθρο: “Evaluating tax sites: An evaluation framework and its application”, 2008 Escarfullet, K., Jantzen, C.,Tucker, S. and Wei, J. (2010). A mobile taxing system from usability perspective, Electronic Government, An International Journal, Vol. 7, No. 3, pp.281–297. J. Liu and Y.-H. Tan (2010). Realizing collaborative government-to-business business models: the case of the authorized economic operator, Electronic Government, An International Journal, Vol. 7, Issue 4, Escarfullet, K., Jantzen, C. & Tucker, S. (2009). Development of a mobile tax system with usability features, Proceedings of SWDSI, pp. 773-798. Choudrie, J., Wisal, J. and Ghinea, G. (2009). Evaluating the usability of developing countries’ e-government sites: A user perspective, Electronic Government, An International Journal, Vol. 6, No. 3, pp.265–281. Gotoh, R. (2009) Critical factors increasing user satisfaction with e-government services, Electronic Government, An International Journal, Vol. 6, No. 3, pp.252–264. D. Gagalis, P. Tahinakis, N. Protogeros and D. Ginoglou (2009). Challenges and trends towards an effective application of ERP and SCM systems in SMEs, Enterprise Information Systems for Business Integration in SMEs, M. M. Cruz-cunha (ed.), Chapter 21, IGI, pp. 376-398. Αναφορές στο άρθρο: “Culture-aware collaborative learning”, 2008 Mohammed, P., & Mohan, P. (2009). Student attitudes towards using culturally-oriented educational games to improve programming proficiency: An exploratory study, 4th International Conference on E-Learning and Games, Edutainment; Banff, AB; LNCS 5670, pp. 196-207. P. Mohammed and P. Mohan (2009). Culture in e-learning: Is it important? Proceedings of the E-Learn 2009 Conference. B. A. Olaniran (2009). Discerning culture in e-learning and in the global workplaces, Knowledge Management & E-Learning: An International Journal (KM&EL), Vol. 1, No. 3. Αναφορές στο άρθρο: “Art, science/ technology and history museums on the web”, 2008 Daniel A. Guttentag (in press). Virtual reality: Applications and implications for tourism, Tourism Management. Αναφορές στο άρθρο: “The design and evaluation of a computerized adaptive test on mobile devices” (2008) J.-L. Shih, H.-C. Chu, G.-J. Hwang and Kinshuk (2010). An investigation of attitudes of students and teachers about participating in a context-aware ubiquitous learning activity, British Journal of Educational Technology. D. Dobrilovic, V. Brtka, I. Berkovic, and Borislav (in press). Evaluation of the virtual network laboratory exercises using a method based on the rough set theory, Computer Applications in Engineering Education. C. Coulby, S. Hennessey, N. Davies and R. Fuller (in press). The use of mobile technology for work-based assessment: The student experience, British Journal of Educational Technology. De-Marcos, L., Hilera, J.R., Barchino, R., Jiménez, L., Martínez, J.J., Gutiérrez, J.A., Gutiérrez, J.M., Otón, S. (2010). An experiment for improving students performance in secondary and tertiary education by means of m-learning auto-assessment, Computers and Education, Vol. 55, No. 3, pp. 1069 – 1079. Wong, Lung-Hsiang and Looi, Chee-Kit (2010). Swarm intelligence: New techniques for adaptive systems to provide learning support, Interactive Learning Environments, First published on: 13 July 2010 (iFirst), DOI: 10.1080/10494821003714681. Zhao, X., Ninomiya, T., Vileniums, M., Anma, F. & Okamoto, T. (2010). Adaptive content delivery system for ubiquitous learning, Lan, Y. –F. & Sie, Y. –S. (2010). Using RSS to support mobile learning based on media richness theory, Computers & Education, Vol. 55, No. 2, pp. 723-732. Cheung, W. S. & Hew, K. F. (2009). A review of research methodologies used in studies on mobile handheld devices in K-12 and higher education settings, Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, Vol. 25, No. 2, pp. 153-183. Y-M Huang, Y-T Lin & S-C Lhen (2009). An adaptive testing system for supporting versatile educational assessment. Computers & Education, Vol. 52, No. 1, pp. 53-67. Ou, K., Tarng, W., Wu, M., & Chiu, Y. (2009). A context-aware learning system for leisure activities. Proceedings of the 8th IASTED International Conference on Web-based Education, WBE 2009; Phuket; pp. 126-131. Costagliola, G., & Fuccella, V. (2009). Online testing, current issues and future trends. Journal of E-Learning and Knowledge Society, Vol. 5, No. 3, pp. 79-90. Cheung, W. S., & Hew, K. F. (2009). A review of research methodologies used in studies on mobile handheld devices in K-12 and higher education settings. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, Vol. 25, No. 2, pp. 153-183. Chen, S., Zhang, J. (2009). Ability assessment based on CAT in adaptive learning system, 2008 International Workshop on Education Technology and Training and 2008 International Workshop on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, ETT and GRS 2008, Shanghai; Vol. 1, art. no. 5070106, pp. 88-91. G. Yucel, A. E. Bayraktaroglu, M. E. Unal (2009). A fuzzy cognitive map approach for analysis of electronic consumer products in terms of usability among different age groups, International Journal of Mobile Learning and Organisation (IJMLO), Vol. 3, No. 3, 2009. Babcock, B. & Weiss, D. J. (2009). Termination criteria in computerized adaptive tests: Variable-length CATs are not biased. In D. J. Weiss (Ed.), Proceedings of the 2009 GMAC Conference on Computerized Adaptive Testing. Retrieved 9-9-2010 from www.psych.umn.edu/psylabs/CATCentral/ Lishan, X. (2009). A female-focused design strategy for developing a self-care information system, Ph.D. dissertation, National University of Singapore. X. Zhao, T. Ninomiya, F.Anma (2008). A context-aware prototype system for adaptive learning content in ubiquitous environment, Proceedings of 2008 IEEE International Symposium on IT in Medicine and Education, pp. 164-168. X.Zhao, T. Ninomiya, F.Anma and T. Okamoto (2008). Adaptive and personalized content architecture for mobile learning system, Proceedings of the 11th IASTED International Conference Computers and Advanced Technology in Education (CATE 2008); Crete, Greece, pp. 26-31. Αναφορές στο άρθρο: “Evaluation of handheld devices for mobile learning”, 2008. Kulkarni, S., & Sanglikar, M. (2009). Lock mechanism for data objects in a cluster of peers. ARTCom 2009 - International Conference on Advances in Recent Technologies in Communication and Computing; Kottayam, Kerala; pp. 876-880. Chin, D. H. (2009). Touch-based authentication of a mobile device through user generated pattern creation, (Menlo Park, CA, US), United States Patent 7593000. Αναφορές στο άρθρο: “Use of mobile phones by male and female Greek students”, 2008. Gerpott, T.J. (2010). Impacts of mobile Internet use intensity on the demand for SMS and voice services of mobile network operators: An empirical multi-method study of German mobile Internet customers. Telecommunications Policy, Vol. 34, No 8, pp. 430 – 443. Gerpott, T. (2010). Determinants of self-report and system-captured measures of mobile Internet use intensity, Information Systems Frontiers, pp. 1387-3326 Liu, C.-C. (2010) Measuring and prioritising value of mobile phone usage, International Journal of Mobile Communications, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp.41–52. Chong, A. Y., Darmawan, N., Ooi, K., & Lin, B. (2010). Adoption of 3G services among Malaysian consumers: An empirical analysis. International Journal of Mobile Communications, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 129-149. Kim, H.W., Kwahk, K.Y. & Lee, H.Y. (2010). An integrated model of mobile Internet services usage and continuance, International Journal of Mobile Communications, Vol. 8, No. 4, pp. 411–429. Mahatanankoon, P. (2010). Self-determination of work–play asynchronous mobile communication, International Journal of Mobile Communications, Vol. 8, No. 3, pp. 334–350. Αναφορές στο άρθρο: “Critical success factors for tax web sites”, 2007 S. Hakapää (2008). Sähköinen verohallinto – Automatisoitu arvonlisäverotusmenettely (eTax Administration – Automated Value Added Taxation Procedure), Acta Wasaensia, 199, Universitas Wasaensis, pp. 1-267. Αναφορές στο άρθρο: “E-learning investment risk management”, 2007 L. Wiechetek (2008). An e-learning curriculum for Europe 2.0, Management International Conference, Barcelona, Spain. Αναφορές στο άρθρο: “Applying adaptive variables in computerised adaptive testing”, 2007 C. Boboila, G. V. Iordache, M. S. Boboila (2008). An online system for testing and evaluation, WSEAS Transactions on Advances in Engineering Education, Issue 1, Vol. 5, pp. 20-28. Αναφορές στο άρθρο: “A review of item exposure control strategies for Computerised Adaptive Testing developed from 1983 to 2005”, 2007. Wauters, K., Desmet, P. & Van den Noortgate, W. (2010). Adaptive item-based learning environments based on the item response theory: Possibilities and challenges, Journal of Computer Assisted Learning. Nydick, S. W., & Weiss, D. J. (2009). A hybrid simulation procedure for the development of CATs. In D. J. Weiss (Ed.), Proceedings of the 2009 GMAC Conference on Computerized Adaptive Testing. Retrieved 1-10-2010 from www.psych.umn.edu/psylabs/CATCentral/ Barrada, J.R., Olea, J., Ponsoda, V., & Abad, F.J. (2009). Item selection rules in Computerized Adaptive Testing: Accuracy and security. Methodology, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 7-17. Barrada, J., Olea, J., Ponsada, V., & Abad, F. (2009). Test overlap rate and item exposure rate as indicators of test security in CATs. In D. J. Weiss (Ed.), Proceedings of the 2009 GMAC Conference on Computerized Adaptive Testing. Retrieved 1-10-2010 from www.psych.umn.edu/psylabs/CATCentral/ Chajewski, M. & Lewis, C. (2009). Optimizing item exposure control algorithms for polytomous computerized adaptive tests with restricted item banks. In D. J. Weiss (Ed.), Proceedings of the 2009 GMAC Conference on Computerized Adaptive Testing. Retrieved 1-10-2010 from www.psych.umn.edu/psylabs/CATCentral/ S. Kardan, and A. Kardan, (2009). Towards a more accurate knowledge level estimation, Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Information Technology: New Generations, pp. 1134-1139. K. T. Han (2009). A gradual maximum information ratio approach to item selection in computerized adaptive testing, In D. J. Weiss (Ed.), Proceedings of the 2009 GMAC Conference on Computerized Adaptive Testing. Retrieved 1-10-2010 from www.psych.umn.edu/psylabs/CATCentral/ Li, X., Becker, K., Gorham, J., & Woo, A. (2009). Limiting item exposure for target difficulty ranges in a high-stakes CAT. In D. J. Weiss (Ed.), Proceedings of the 2009 GMAC Conference on Computerized Adaptive Testing. Retrieved 1-10-2010 from www.psych.umn.edu/psylabs/CATCentral/ Ponsoda, V. (2009). Metodología al servicio del psicólogo, Papeles del Psicologo, Vol. 31, No. 1, pp. 2-6. Barrada, J. R., Olea, J., Ponsoda, V., & Abad, F. J. (2008). Item bank disclosure in computerized adaptive testing: What makes an item selection rule safer? MacCann (2008). The application of computer-based testing to large-scale assessment programs. In Leading-Edge Educational Technology, T.B. Scot and J. Livingston (eds.), Nova Science Publishers, pp. 1-47. C. Boboila, G. V. Iordache, and M. S. Boboila (2008). An online system for testing and evaluation, WSEAS Transactions on Advances in Engineering Education, Issue 1, Vol. 5, pp. 20-28. Lewis, C. Some thoughts on controlling item exposure in adaptive testing. (2007). In D. J. Weiss (Ed.), Proceedings of the 2007 GMAC Conference on Computerized Adaptive Testing. Retrieved 1-10-2010 from www.psych.umn.edu/psylabs/CATCentral/ J. R. Barrada (2007). Tests adaptativos informatizados: Una perspectiva general. Bryant, D. U. Smart Test technology as a computer adaptive item selection algorithm. Αναφορές στο άρθρο: “Game-based learning using MANETs”, 2007 N.A.M. Zin, W.S. Yue & A. Jaafar (2009), Digital game-based learning (DGBL) model and development methodology for teaching history, WSEAS Transactions on Computers, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 322-333. Yue, W. S., & Mat Zin, N. A. (2009). Usability evaluation for history educational games. 2nd International Conference on Interaction Sciences: Information Technology, Culture and Human, ICIS 2009; Seoul; ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, Vol. 403, pp. 1019-1025. Zin, N. A. M., & Yue, W. S. (2009). History educational games design. Proceedings of the 2009 International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Informatics, ICEEI 2009, Selangor; Vol. 1, Article number 5254775, pp. 269-275. Αναφορές στο άρθρο: “Mobile collaborative learning using multicast MANETs”, 2007. Chang, W. (2010). An agent-based system for collaborative informal learning in a pervasive environment. International Journal of Mobile Communications, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 187-209. García1, O., Tapia, D.I., Rodríguez, S. & Corchado, J.M. (2010). Ambient intelligence application scenario for collaborative e-learning. In: N. García-Pedrajas et al. (Eds.): IEA/AIE 2010, Part I, LNAI 6096, pp. 407–416. Ju, T.L. & Nguyen, N.K. (2007). Human integrated capability expansion: Viewed from ontological perspectives, International Journal of Management in Education, Vol. 1, No. 4, pp. 390-406. Özdamli, F. & Uzunboylu, H. Öğretmen adaylarinin teknoloji destekli işbirlikli öğrenme ortamina yönelik tutumlari (Attitudes of teacher candidates towards technology supported collaborative learning), World Education Center, pp. 28-25. Αναφορές στο άρθρο: “Controlling risks in ICT investments with real options thinking”, 2007. Keršytė, A. (2010). Strateginių investicinių projektų vertinimas: daugiakriterijinis požiūris (Strategic investment decisions’ appraisal: multi-attribute approach), Ekonomika ir Vadyba, Vol. 15, pp. 947-953. Αναφορές στο άρθρο: “The role of user model in CAT: Exploring adaptive variables”, 2007. E. Triantafillou (2007). Computerized adaptive test – Adapting to what? Proceedings of the Informatics Education Europe II Conference IEEII, pp. 379-385. Αναφορές στο άρθρο: “Evaluation of computer adaptive testing systems”, 2007 Kaplan, R. M. & Saccuzzo, D. P. (2009). Psychological testing: Principles, applications, and issues, 7th edition, Wadsworth. Georgouli, K., Skalkidis, I., & Guerreiro, P. (2008). A framework for adopting LMS to introduce e-learning in a traditional course, Educational Technology & Society, Vol. 11, No. 2, pp. 227-240. Αναφορές στο άρθρο: “Rescue operations using coordinated multicast MANET”, 2006 de Barros, M. El Koutbi, M (2009). AQM applications in MAODV ad hoc network, IEEE Int. Conference on Telecommunications, ICT’09, Marrakech, Morocco, pp. 37-40. Αναφορές στο άρθρο: “Adaptive mobile learning”, 2006 Zhao, X. (2010). Adaptive content delivery based on contextual and situational model, Ph.D. dissertation, pp. 1-142, The Graduate School of Information Systems, The University of Electro-Communications Tokyo, Japan. X. Zhao, X. Wan & T. Okamoto (2010). Adaptive content delivery in ubiquitous learning environment, 6th IEEE International Conference on Wireless, Mobile, and Ubiquitous Technologies in Education, WMUTE, pp.19-26. Li, X., Feng, L., Zhou, L., & Shi, Y. (2009). Learning in an ambient intelligent world: Enabling technologies and practices. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, Vol. 21, No. 6, pp. 910-924. Svetlana, K., & Yoon, Y. I. (2009). Adaptation e-learning contents in mobile environment. 2nd International Conference on Interaction Sciences: Information Technology, Culture and Human, ICIS 2009; Seoul; ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, Vol. 403, pp. 474-479. X. Zhao, F. Anma, T. Ninomiya, T. Okamoto (2008). Personalized adaptive content system for context-aware mobile learning, IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, VOL.8 No.8, pp. 153-161. X.u Zhao, T. Ninomiya, F. Anma, T. Okamoto (2008). Adaptive and personalized content architecture for mobile learning system, Proceedings of the 11th IASTED International Conference Computers and Advanced Technology in Education (CATE 2008); Crete, Greece, pp. 26-31. U. B. Nagella & P. Govindarajulu (2008). Adaptive approaches to context aware mobile learning applications, International Journal of Computer Science and Security, Vol. 2, Issue 2, pp. 15-27. Αναφορές στο άρθρο: “Intelligent buildings from agents point of view”, 2006 K. Steblovnik and D. Zazula (in press). A novel agent-based concept of household appliances. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, Springer. Αναφορές στο άρθρο: “Internet-based tax filling”, 2006. Foteinou, G. (2010). E-exclusion and the gender digital divide, ACM SIGCAS Computers and Society, Vol. 40, No. 3, pp. 50-61. Αναφορές στο άρθρο: “Adaptive feedback characteristics in CAT (Computer Adaptive Testing)”, 2006. Verpoorten, D., Renson, J.-M., Westera, W., & Specht, M. (2009). Personalised learning: A familiar concept to teachers? And which teachers? - A questionnaire-based survey of 43 secondary school teachers. Greenwich Conference Proceedings, "Making it personal!", Greenwich, UK. Κ. Georgouli, (2007). Enriching learning standards to support authoring of re-usable self-assessment activities, 4th IASME/WSEAS International Conference on Engineering Education (EE'07), pp. 160-165. Αναφορές στο άρθρο: “Emotional feedback in CAT (Computer Adaptive Testing)”, 2006 Chin-Wei, B. Kooi-Guan, C. & Ai-Ping, T. (2009). A progressive hybrid assessment model in open distance learning. Αναφορές στο άρθρο: “A performance study of DSDV-based CLUSTERPOW and DSDV routing algorithms for sensor network applications”, 2006 Auer, C. (2008). Formal modeling of self-organizing systems, M.Sc. dissertation, pp. 1-218, Faculty of Computer Science and Mathematics, Universitat of Passau. Lee, J., Kim, S. & Kim, S. (2008). Cluster based transmitting power-aware routing path selection in AODV. Proceedings of the 2008 International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications, PDPTA 2008, pp. 96-102. Auer, C., Wuchner, P., De Meer, H. (2008). A method to derive local interaction strategies for improving cooperation in self-organizing systems. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 5343 LNCS, pp. 170-181. Li, F.-M., Xu, W.-J., & Liu, X.-H. (2008). Power control for wireless sensor networks. Ruan Jian Xue Bao/ Journal of Software, Vol. 19, No. 3, pp. 716-732. T. Liu and K. Liu (2007). Improvements on DSDV in mobile ad hoc networks, International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing, pp. 1637-1640. Αναφορές στο άρθρο: “Adaptive hypermedia systems: a review of adaptivity variables”, 2006. R. Hayman (2009). PSEWEIP: Personalized search engine and web experience improvement project. Dissertation, pp. 1-157, Dept. of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence, University of Malta. Αναφορές στο άρθρο: “Evaluation parameters for computer adaptive testing”, 2006, Van der Linden, W. J. and Glas, C. A. W. (2010). Elemets of adaptive testing. New York: Springer. Hsieh, T.-Y. & Kuo, B.C. (2010). Information-based item selection with blocking strategy based on a Bayesian network, Proceedings on the Latest Trends on Engineering Education, pp. 422-427. Hsieh, T.-Y. & Kuo, B.C. (2010). 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