Τεχνο-Οικονομικά και Στρατηγικές της Πληροφορικής και των Τηλεπικοινωνιών - Βιβλιογραφία

    Υπεύθυνος Καθηγητής  ΑΝΑΣΤΑΣΙΟΣ Α. ΟΙΚΟΝΟΜΙΔΗΣ
Γραφείο:    508
Τηλέφωνο Γραφείου:    2310-891799
Fax:    2310-891750
Email:    economid --> uom.gr
Website:    Computer Networks & Telematics Applications Lab
    Υπεύθυνοι Εργαστηρίων



C. Shapiro & H. L. Varian (1998)
"Information Rules: A Strategic guide to the Network Economy"

Harvard Business School Press

C. Shapiro & H. L. Varian (2002)
"Οδηγός στρατηγικής στη δικτυακή οικονομία: Η επιχειρησιακή στρατηγική στην οικονομία των πληροφοριών"
εκδόσεις Καστανιώτη

H.R. Varian, J. Farrell & C. Shapiro (2005)
"The Economics of Information Technology: An Introduction"
Cambridge University Press
J.E. Nuechterlein and P.J. Weiser (2005), “Digital crossroads: American telecommunications policy in the internet age”, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

Σπ. Δ. Αρσένης (2006)
"Οικονομία Πληροφοριακών Συστημάτων"
εκδόσεις Τζιόλα
B. Gates (1999), “Επιχειρηματικές ευκαιρίες στην ψηφιακή οικονομία”, εκδόσεις Κλειδάριθμος

R. Gershon (2008)
"Telecommunications and Strategic Planning: Industry Structures and Planning Strategies"
H. Gruber (2008)
"The Economics of Mobile Telecommunications"
Cambridge University Press
M.C. Cave, S.K. Majumdar & I. Vogelsang (eds.) (2002)
"Handbook of Telecommunications Economics"
P. Curwen & J. Whalley (2009)
"The Internationalisation of Mobile Telecommunications: Strategic Challenges in a Global Market"
Edward Elgar Publications
J.H. Green (2005)
"The Irwin Handbook of Telecommunications" 5th edition
McGraw Hill.
I. Lee (ed.) (2009), “Handbook of research on telecommunications planning and management for business”, IGI Global.

E. K. Chew & P. Gottschalk (2009), “Information technology strategy and management: Best practices”, Information Science Publ

M.H. Rahman (2007)
"Developing Successful ICT Strategies: Competitive Advantages in a Global Knowledge-driven Society"
IGI Global
P. Curwen (2004), “Telecommunications strategy: Cases, theory and applications”, Routledge.

N. Seel (2006)
"Business Strategies for the Next-Generation Network" 3rd edition
Auerbach Publications
J.P. Crecine, W.H. Read & J.Y.Youtip (1996)
"Telecommunications strategy for economic development"
Praeger Publications
P. Curwen (2004)
"Telecommunications Strategy: Cases, Theory and Applications"
A. Pehrsson (1996)
"International Strategies in Telecommunications: Models and Applications"
D. Steinbock (2001)
"The Nokia Revolution: The Story of an Extraordinary Company That Transformed an Industry"
Ammer Management Assn
J.S. Young (2001)
"Cisco Unauthorized: Inside the High-Stakes Race to Own the Future"
Prima Lifestyles
I. Macho-Stadler & J. D. Perez Castrillo (2001), “An introduction to the economics of information: incentives contracts”, Oxford University Press
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