| http://www.epic.org/ Electronic Privacy Information Center. EPIC is a public interest research center in Washington, D.C. It was established in 1994 to focus public attention on emerging civil liberties issues and to protect privacy, the First Amendment, and constitutional values |
 | http://www.bbbonline.org/ Promotes reliability and privacy programs for online commerce. |
 | http://www.cybcom.org/ Cyber Commerce Commission - dedicated to promoting safe commerce on the Internet. Site features membership info for businesses and education resources for consumers |
 | http://www.disa.org/ Data Interchange Standards Association (DISA) - services catered to the needs of the EDI/Electronic Commerce community. |
 | http://www.ecrc.gatech.edu/ Atlanta, GA - federally funded program to provide assistance and training for small and medium businesses in principles of electronic commerce |
 | http://www.efscouncil.com/ Electronic Financial Services Council - EFSC's mission is to support legislation and regulation that promotes consumer access to electronic commerce especially financial products and services. |
 | http://www.shop.org/ Association which serves the needs of retailers that sell goods or services directly to the consumer via the Internet, and promotes online shopping. |
 | http://www.rosettanet.org/ RosettaNet - a consortium of computer makers, resellers, and users creating e-commerce standards for transaction-centered data exchanges using a standardized set of terms for product, partner, and transaction properties. |
 | http://www.thepaymentsauthority.org/ Payments Authority - non-profit association of financial institutions in Michigan's Lower Peninsula, helping with direct deposit, automatic bill payment, and corporate payments. |
 | http://www.nacha.org/ National Automated Payment Association (NAPA) - learn about taking checks over the phone, credit cards, and other electronic payment methods. |
 | http://www.mpx.org/ Mid-America Payment Exchange - not-for-profit, automated clearing house (ACH) association responsible for encouraging and facilitating the effective use of electronic paymen |
 | http://www.uc-council.org/ Uniform Code Council, Inc. - establishes and promotes multi-industry standards and services. |
 | http://www.iccwbo.org/ International Chamber of Commerce. |
 | http://www.ncapec.org/ APEC (Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation). |
 | http://www.ana.org.uk Article Number Association |
 | http://www.commerce.net/ CommerceNet. A global industry consortium for companies using, promoting and building e-commerce solutions on the Internet |
 | http://www.cenorm.be/isss/ CEN-ISSS - Information Society Standardization System. |
 | http://www.icx.org/ International Commerce eXchange is a forum for businesses by businesses who take part in electronic commerce over any network and who need confidence in its security |
 | http://www.euroispa.org/ EuroISPA (pan-European association of the Internet services providers associations of the countries of the European Union) |
 | http://www.emf.be/ European Multimedia Electronic Commerce Forum. |
 | http://www.fedma.org/ FEDMA (Federation of European Direct Marketing). |
 | http://www.ilpf.org/ ILPF - Internet Law and Policy Forum |
 | http://www.imrg.org/ IMRG - Interactive Media in Retail Group |
 | http://www.icann.org The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers. |
 | http://global.mobilecommerce.com/ Global Mobile Commerce Forum |
 | http://www.edifice.org EDIFICE is the Standardised Electronic Commerce forum for companies with interests in Computing, Electronics and Telecommunication. |
 | http://www.eema.org/ ECAF (European Certification Authority Forum). |
 | http://www.business.gov/ U.S. Business Advisor. |
 | http://www.uncitral.org/ International Trade Law Branch of the United Nations Office of Legal Affairs. |
 | http://www.unesco.org/webworld/observatory/index.html UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) Observatory on the Information Society. |
 | http://www.unctad.org/ UNCTAD (United Nations Conference on Trade and Development). |
 | http://www.opengroup.org The Open Group |
 | http://www.iso.ch/ ISO (International Organization for Standardization). |
 | http://www.epf.net/ Electronic Payments Forum |
 | http://www.bmwi.de/ The German Federal Government Initiative on E-Commerce |
 | http://www.gilc.org/ Global Internet Liberty Campaign. |
 | http://www.netcontent.org/ The Internet Content Coalition. A trade association representing for-profit Internet content providers, including MSNBC, Reuters, The New York Times Electronic Media Company, Time, Inc. and USA Today. The group's focus is to foster a responsible and business-friendly environment through advocacy, education, standardization and policy. Two points of focus include the Communications Decency Act and copyright protection |